Channel® Corn Seed
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99Relative maturity
- Broadly adapted east to west with strong yield performance potential.
- Semi-flex ear type has shown a good response to medium planting populations.
- Very good foliar disease tolerance package including above average tolerance to anthracnose stalk rot, common rust, eye spot, northern corn leaf blight, and Goss’s wilt.
- Solid stalk strength and greensnap tolerance contribute to a reliable agronomic package.
101Relative maturity
- 101RM product with broad adaptation and excellent yield potential.
- Strong defensive characteristics including very good drought and heat stress tolerance.
- Shorter plant stature with medium-low ear height and great staygreen.
- Consider fungicide application in areas with gray leaf spot pressure.
101Relative maturity
- Exciting top end yield potential coupled with good southern movement into 105RM zone
- Flex ear type has shown to perform well at low to moderate planting densities
- Very good tolerance to northern corn leaf blight, but fungicide application recommended under heavy gray leaf spot and tar spot pressure
- Caution when using growth regulator herbicides
103Relative maturity
- Has exhibited excellent yield performance potential and stability.
- Strong stand establishment makes this product an option for early planting.
- Impressive disease tolerance package including anthracnose stalk rot, common rust, eye spot, northern corn leaf blight, and Goss’s wilt.
- Flex ear type; consider medium-low to medium planting populations.
104Relative maturity
- Broadly adapted product with exciting yield potential and a solid disease tolerance package
- Strong emergence and seedling vigor make this product a suitable choice for early planting
- Semi-flex ear type with good tip fill and average grain quality
- Consider low to medium planting densities

105Relative maturity
- A well rounded, broad acre, SmartStax PRO® Technology product with great yield potential.
- Overall strong disease tolerance package including good tolerance to Goss’s Wilt, Anthracnose Stalk Rot, and Gray Leaf Spot.
- Semi-flex ear that responds well to corn-on-corn rotation and consistent performance under stressed growing conditions.