How Seed Treatment Impacts Soybean Yield
August 30, 2020
Farmers need research-driven data to make the best choices for their soybean fields season after season. Every bit of insight can help, from the expert advice of a Channel Seedsman to the results of controlled trials. So let’s look at a couple of studies to see how seed applied treatments may lead to healthier seedlings and a higher yield potential.
Study #1
Location: Woodford and Sangamon Counties, Illinois.
Crop Year: 2019
Many farmers practice early planting as a way to increase their yield, but it also leaves seedlings more susceptible to disease and damage. The hard data from this study suggests that seed treatments help protect plant survival, especially in earlier plantings. This improved health and survivability translated into higher stand counts and higher yield from the soybeans with seed applied treatments. (Source)
Study #2
Location: Monmouth, IL
Crop Year: 2018
In both studies, a seed applied treatment containing a fungicide and insecticide resulted in higher average yields across both early and late planting dates. In this trial specifically, there was a 4.7 bu/acre average yield advantage for early planting and a 6.7 bu/acre average yield advantage for late planting. (Source)
Using the results of these studies, the following chart sums up the conclusions we can draw about seed applied treatments in soybeans:
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