Wideshot of farmer in field with cotton bolls
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Deltapine® Brand Strong Cotton Evaluated to Grow Where You Are

Deltapine® cotton varieties undergo robust evaluation by our New Product Evaluators. That way, when you plant Deltapine cotton, you can plant with confidence.

Why Deltapine cotton?

We’ve got more than a century-long tradition of innovating varieties with robust yield potential and the utmost in fiber quality.

See Your Local Results

Want to get more specific data? Use our Local Yield Results search tool to see performance information, variety-by-variety and farm-by-farm. It’s a handy way to find the Deltapine products that are performing well right down the road from you.
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New Class. New Potential.

The Deltapine class of ’25 introduces a whole new generation of strong. These bold varieties have been tested and evaluated by real growers. That’s how you know you can rely on them to deliver the potential you need, right where you grow.

A green Deltapine NPE sign overlaid over a cotton field with the text “Meet the Class of ‘25”

Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Cotton

Designed to provide a high level of performance and control, Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Cotton technology combines elite germplasm, insect control and weed management flexibility.*

Promo Tools of Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® cotton with XtendFlex® Technology

Tough enough for West Texas.

West Texas is one of the most unforgiving cotton regions out there. True to our unique approach, Deltapine brand develops varieties specifically for this area. Take a look at our varieties and everything that goes into breeding seed for tougher-than-tough West Texas conditions.

Cotton bolls in rows

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Three tractors harvesting cotton on a field

Agronomy Library

Like you, Deltapine brand takes pride in high yields and successful seasons. And we’re here with agronomic support to help you every step of the way.

*Scouting is critical to determine which and how many insecticide applications are recommended to avoid economic loss greater than pest management costs (i.e., when economic thresholds are met). Check with your local state extension university for the latest spraying recommendations.