A large combine harvester in a golden wheat field under a clear blue sky with clouds.
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Seize the Season

Get the most out of every acre with our regionally proven wheat seed varieties. Now’s the time. Boldly grow.

Wheat Profitability Calculator

Compare the differences between planting newly purchased and saved seed, with and without an Optimal Seeding Rate.

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See Your Local Results

Want to get more specific data? Use our Local Yield Results search tool to see performance information, variety-by-variety and farm-by-farm. It’s a handy way to find the Westbred products that are performing well right down the road from you.
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National Wheat Yield Contest

A true championship season. 

At the 2023 National Wheat Yield Contest, WestBred growers showed up in a big way — we were 11 of 24 national winners and three of four Bin Busters. That’s how excellence gets it done.

Combine harvester operating in a golden wheat field under a dusty background.

Why WestBred Wheat?

Every season presents new challenges to overcome. Trust WestBred® Wheat to weather harsh growing conditions.

Updates to Help You Seize The Season

Now’s the time. Sign up today to get the latest product updates, solutions and insights straight to your inbox so you can boldly grow.

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The Tiller & Tiller Talk

Highlighting the heart and heritage of the wheat industry, this insightful content library looks ahead to the innovations and new discoveries that await the world of wheat in the future.

Wheat Growers’ Library

We’ve put together a robust collection of agronomic articles that can optimize your operation.

Two farmers walking along the edge of a wheat field during the golden hour with a cloudy sky.