Late Season Alfalfa Diseases

July 2, 2024

In mid- to late-summer there are a host of leaf diseases that can attack alfalfa and reduce yield. They include but are not limited to:

  • Common Leaf Spot
  • Summer Black Stem and Leaf Spot
  • Leptosphaerulina (Lepto) Leaf Spot

Symptoms of common leaf spot, caused by Pseudopeziza medicaginis,include small, circular brown to black spots on the leaflets of lower leaves before moving upward. Mature lesions usually remain isolated from each other and may have a size of 1/8 inch (Figure 1). A raised, light brown fungal fruiting body (psuedoapotheicum) within the lesion may appear on the upper leaf surface. The infected leaves turn yellow and drop from the plant as the disease progresses. Summer growing conditions that are dry and warm reduce disease development. Cool, moist growing conditions during the fall favor disease development. Management includes the planting of moderately resistant alfalfa varieties, harvesting prior to leaf drop to help maintain quality, and timely application of labeled foliar fungicices.1,2

Figure 1. Common leaf spot of alfalfa. Photo courtesy of Erik Stromberg, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Figure 1. Common leaf spot of alfalfa. Photo courtesy of Erik Stromberg, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,

Summer black stem and leaf spot is caused by Cercospora medicaginis. If not diagnosed when leaf spots appear, premature leaf defoliation which starts with the lower leaves and moves upward may be the first sign of infection. The circular leaf spots are initially brown before turning ash-gray and are surrounded by a yellow margin. After the leaf spots, the long, reddish brown to chocolate brown stem lesions develop. Severe stem infection can cause defoliation and plant death.3,4 The diseases reduce yield and quality and are generally more of a concern with the second and third alfalfa cuttings. High humidity, warm temperatures, and a dense plant canopy favor the disease. Avoid planting particularly susceptible alfalfa varieties and as with all leaf diseases, harvest early before symptoms are severe.

Summer black stem and leaf spot. Picture courtesy of and used with the permission of Dr. Stephen Wegulo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Figure 2. Summer black stem and leaf spot. Picture courtesy of and used with the permission of Dr. Stephen Wegulo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Leptosphaerulina (Lepto) leaf spot is caused by Leptosphaerulina briosiana. Symptoms often start as small, black spots (“pepper spots”) on new leaves and eventually enlarge to form an “eyespot” which is oval and brown with dark margins and yellow halos. Lesions form parallel to veins, come together, and cause leaves to drop and possible stem stunting. Young leaves are prone to infection; however, the disease can develop on older leaves and petioles. It is favored by cool, wet weather throughout the growing season in northern climates. It may develop in midwinter in southern states. Management includes varietal tolerance, early harvest, and labeled foliar fungicides.5

Figure 3. Leptosphaerulina (Lepto) leaf spot. Picture courtesy of and used with the permission of Bruce Watt, University of Maine,
Figure 3. Leptosphaerulina (Lepto) leaf spot. Picture courtesy of and used with the permission of Bruce Watt, University of Maine,

Channel Agronomist
Mike Binsfeld


1Telenko, D. and Johnson, K. 2019. Foliar diseases of alfalfa. Purdue University.

2Common leaf spot of alfalfa. Crop Protection Network.,foliar%20lesions%20that%20rarely%20coalesce.

3Wegulo, S.N. 2011. (Watkins, J.E. and Gray, F.A.) Spring and summer black stem and leaf spot diseases of alfalfa. NebGuide. G2079.

4Summer black stem and leaf spot of alfalfa. Crop Protection Network.

5Leptosphaerulina leaf spot of alfalfa. Crop Protection Network.

Web sources verified 5/5/24. 1110_430801