Corn Product Response to Fungicide Application and Seeding Rate
January 13, 2025
- Bayer offers several fungicide products for corn growers in the Mid-South region of the United States.
- In many cases, a timely fungicide application may help reduce disease pressure.
- This non-replicated strip trial compared the yield of several corn products at two different seeding rates when Delaro® 325 SC fungicide was applied.
- Delaro® 325 SC fungicide was applied at 12 fl oz/acre and compared against an untreated check.
- All field work, tillage, and herbicides were conducted or applied per local standards.
- The trial used non-replicated strip plots.
- Plot Size – 12 rows; 1,000 feet in length with experimental units measuring approximately 1 acre.
- Data were collected as follows:
- Disease notes were recorded as observed during the season.
- The crop was harvested with a combine machine and yields were corrected to 15.5% moisture content for reporting.
- During the trial, this site experienced low to moderate disease pressure. Southern rust (Puccinia polysora) was the primary pathogen present in the study.
- In this study, yield improvements were observed when Delaro® 325 SC fungicide was applied to both seeding rates of corn (Figure 1).
- 31,000 seeds/acre – Plots treated with Delaro® 325 SC fungicide had an average yield increase of 4 bu/acre over untreated plots.
- 39,000 seeds/acre – Plots treated with Delaro® 325 SC fungicide had an average yield increase of 9 bu/acre over untreated plots.
- Delaro® 325 SC fungicide offers excellent disease control. Consider disease pressure and how it may dictate the yield and economic benefits of each fungicide application.
- Corn fields planted at higher seeding rates typically have a greater yield potential and may benefit more from a fungicide application.
- Each field, farm, corn product, and agronomic case should be evaluated individually to determine if a fungicide application may be beneficial.
- Please contact you Bayer® Crop Science and DEKALB® brand seed representative for more information.
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