Evaluation of Deltapine® Cotton Products on Two Soil Types at Scott, Mississippi
January 28, 2025
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- Cotton varieties and transgenic packages change regularly. Each season the Scott Learning Center evaluates a new set of cotton varieties from the NPE (New Product Evaluator) program along with commercial standards. This work is especially relevant as new cotton products with ThryvOn® Technology enter the marketplace.
- The primary goal of this trial was to evaluate a selection of existing and new Deltapine® cotton varieties for their productivity and adaptation characteristics on two soil types in the Midsouth.
- A secondary goal was to estimate the impact of Bollgard II® Technology and Bollgard® 3 Technology on the Heliothine insects present at the testing sites.
- Selecting an adapted cotton variety is foundational to a cotton production program. Every tested parameter is important to cotton growers as they are offered new commercial products in the coming seasons.
All field work, tillage, and herbicides were per local standards. Insects were managed as follows:
- Thrips
- The entire plot area (products with and without ThryvOn® Technology) was managed for thrips control.
- Two insecticide applications labeled for thrips control were applied due to the heavy thrips pressure. Thrips control in the cotton products without ThryvOn® Technology was observed to be sub-par. The cotton products with ThryvOn® Technology sustained little to no thrips damage throughout the testing.*
- Lygus
- The entire plot area (products with and without ThryvOn® Technology) was managed for lygus control.
- Three insecticide applications labeled for the control of lygus species were applied based on recommended state thresholds.
- Heliothine Pests
- Considerable Heliothine pressure was present during these studies.
- However, population thresholds were not exceeded in entries with Bollgard II® Technology or Bollgard® 3 Technology; therefore, no insecticides were applied for heliothine pest control.
- A total of 14 Deltapine® brand cotton products were planted with one of the following trait packages: B3TXF (Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® cotton with XtendFlex® Technology), NR B3XF (Nematode Resistant Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton), B3XF (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton), B2XF (Bollgard II® XtendFlex® cotton), and XF (XtendFlex® cotton):
- DP 2211 B3TXF (not planted in Buckshot field)
- DP 2115 B3XF (not planted in Highway field)
- DP 2414 B3TXF
- DP 2317 B3TXF
- DP 1822 XF
- DP 2522 B3TXF
- DP 2127 B3XF
- DP 2328 B3TXF
- DP 2131 B3TXF
- DP 2333 B3XF
- DP 2537 B3TXF
- DP 2141NR B3XF
- DP 1646 B2XF (not planted in Highway field)
- DP 2055 B3XF (not planted in Highway field)
*Scouting is critical to determine which and how many insecticide applications are recommended to avoid economic loss greater than pest management costs (i.e., when economic thresholds are met). Check with your local university extension for the latest spraying recommendations.
This trial was planted as a single-entry strip plot with no replications. Plot size for each location was as follows:
- Highway Field
- 6-row plot
- 0.22 acre/plot
- Buckshot Field
- 12-row plot
- 0.60 acre/plot
All PGR (plant growth regulator) applications were applied as 4.2% ai generic mepiquat. Details were as follows:
- Highway Field, three applications:
- 6/21/2024: 16 ounces/acre
- 7/3/2024: 16 ounces/acre
- 7/21/2024: 16 ounces/acre
- Buckshot Field, two applications:
- 7/3/2024: 8 ounces/acre
- 7/21/2024: 12 ounces/acre
Data were collected as follows:
- Machine harvested yield.
- Turnout calculated from ginning results.
- Buckshot Field
- As has been seen in previous years, the Buckshot field location was lower yielding than the Highway filed location.
- The average lint yield for the Buckshot location was 838 lb/acre. DP 1822 XF was not included in this average as it lacks the insect protection of other varieties.
- The lint yield range for this trial (excluding DP 1822 XF) was 1,122 lb/acre in DP 2127 B3XF to 670 lb/acre in DP 2131 B3TXF.
- Highway Field
- Overall, cotton varieties tested at the Highway Field location were high yielding.
- The average lint yield for this location was 1,744 lb/acre. DP 1822 XF was not included in this average as it lacks the insect protection of other varieties.
- The lint yield range for this trial (excluding DP 1822 XF) was 2,003 lb/acre in DP 2131 B3TXF to 1,595 lb/acre in DP 2141NR B3XF.
- Without insect traits, DP 1822 XF yielded 1,314 lb/acre or approximately 75% of the trial average.
- Several of the products demonstrated excellent yield potential in this trial.
- Bollgard II® with XtendFlex® Technology demonstrated that it still has tremendous value as an insect control technology; however, products containing Bollgard® 3 with XtendFlex® Technology and Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology appear to show improved yield potential compared to previous products.
- Several of the leading products in the trial contained ThryvOn® Technology.
- It appears from this testing that the Deltapine® brand continues to make breeding progress in developing high yielding, high fiber-quality products which contain the newest biotech traits.
- Please contact your Deltapine® brand representative for more information.
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