Evaluation of Deltapine® Cotton Products on Two Soil Types at Scott, Mississippi

February 8, 2024

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  • Cotton products and transgenic packages change yearly. Each season the Bayer Learning Center at Scott, MS evaluates a new set of products from the NPE program along with commercial standards. This work is especially relevant as new ThryvOn® Technology products enter the marketplace.
  • The primary goal of this study was to evaluate a group of Deltapine® brand cotton products and potential commercial advancements for productivity, adaptation, and fiber quality characteristics on two different soil types.
  • A secondary goal was to estimate the impact of Bollgard II® XtendFlex® cotton products and Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology products on Heliothine insects at the testing sites.

Selecting an adapted cotton product is foundational to a cotton production program. Every tested parameter is important to cotton growers when they are offered new commercial products in the coming seasons.


Site Details table

  • All field work, tillage and herbicides were per local standards.
  • Deltapine® Brand Products planted:
    • DP 1908 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2211 B3TXF Brand (Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology)
    • DP 2012 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2115 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2317 B3TXF Brand (Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology)
    • DP 1822 XF Brand (XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2123 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2127 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2328 B3TXF Brand (Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology)
    • DP 2131 B3TXF Brand (Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology)
    • DP 2333 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2038 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2239 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2141 NR B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton) (Nematode Resistant)
    • DP 1646 B2XF Brand (Bollgard II® XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2349 NR B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton) (Nematode Resistant)
    • DP 2055 B3XF Brand (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
  • Three non-commercial products were also planted but not included in the data or averages.
  • Single replication strip plot
  • Plot Size –
    • Highway Field
      • 6 row plots
      • 0.220 acre/plot
    • Buckshot Field
      • 12 row plots
      • 0.6 acre/plot
  • Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) Applications – All applications made as 4.2% active ingredient (ai) generic mepiquat.
    • Highway Field
      • 6/21/2023 – 16 oz/acre
      • 7/6/2023 – 16 oz/acre
      • 7/18/2023 –16 oz/acre
    • Buckshot Field
      • 7/6/2023 – 8 oz/acre
      • 7/27/2023 – 12 oz/acre
  • Data collected:
    • Machine harvested.
    • HVI testing for fiber quality estimations.
    • Turnout calculated from ginning results.
    • 2023 loan chart used to estimate fiber value and gross returns per acre.


  • Insect Management:
    • Thrips:
      • Entire plot area including Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology products managed for thrips.
      • Due to extreme thrips pressure, two applications of labeled thrips insecticides were applied.
      • Thrips control in non-Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology products was observed to be sub-par.
      • Observations in the plots with Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology products demonstrated little to no thrips damage.
    • Lygus:
      • Entire plot area including Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology products managed for lygus.
      • Three labeled insecticide applications were applied based on recommended state thresholds.
    • Heliothine Pests:
      • Considerable Heliothine pressure occurred during these studies.
      • However, population thresholds were not exceeded in the Bollgard II® or Bollgard® 3 products; therefore, insecticides were not applied.
  • Seed Cotton and Lint Yields (Figures 1 and 2)
    • Deltapine® DP 1822 XF Brand not included in averages because it lacks the insect protection of other products.
    • Highway Field
      • Average seed cotton yield of Bollgard II® and Bollgard® 3 products was 3478 lb/acre with a yield range of 2275 to 4250 lb/acre.
      • Average lint yield/acre of Bollgard II® and Bollgard® 3 products was 1414 lb lint/acre with a yield range of 955 to 1723 lb lint/acre.
      • The untreated XtendFlex® product (Deltapine® DP 1822 XF Brand) yielded 711 lb lint/acre or about 50% of the trial average.
      • The Bollgard II® XtendFlex® Cotton product (Deltapine® DP 1646 B2XF Brand) yielded 1143 lb lint/acre with little to no Heliothine damage.
    • Buckshot Field
      • As typical, this site was lower yielding than the Highway Field
      • Average seed cotton yield of Bollgard II® and Bollgard® 3 products was 2239 lb/acre with a yield range of 1780 to 2687 lb/acre.
      • Average lint yield/acre of Bollgard II® and Bollgard® 3 products was 910 lb lint/acre with a yield range of 735 to 1109 lb lint/acre.
      • The untreated XtendFlex® product (Deltapine® DP 1822 XF Brand) yielded 476 lb lint/acre.
      • The Bollgard® II XtendFlex® Cotton product (Deltapine® DP 1646 B2XF Brand) yielded 764 lb lint/acre with little to no Heliothine damage.

table image
Figure 1. Pounds of seed cotton/acre for Deltapine® Brand cotton products at the Bayer Learning Center at Scott, MS (2023).

table image
Figure 2. Pounds of lint cotton/acre for Deltapine® Brand cotton products at the Bayer Learning Center at Scott, MS (2023).

  • Value per acre at loan price (Figure 3)
    • Deltapine® DP 1822 XF Brand was not included in the average because it lacks the insect protection of other products.
    • High Volume Instrument (HVI) testing was performed on each plot in the series. This allows for the establishment of a fiber price for discounts and premiums from a 2023 loan chart. Base 2023 price was 0.52 cents/lb.
    • Overall, the cotton crop produced from these studies was of excellent quality with an average loan price across these trials of 56.96 cents/lb. This is roughly a 5-cent premium for fiber quality.
    • Individual plot yield and HVI data were used to establish a value/acre for each plot in the testing.
      • Highway Field
        • Generated an average income of $806.00/acre at loan price, not including DP 1822 XF.
        • The income range was from $986.00/acre (Deltapine® DP 2317 B3TXF) to $547.00/acre (DP 2349 NRB3XF).
      • Buckshot Field
        • Generated an average of $518.00/acre at loan price, not including DP 1822 XF.
        • The income range was from $635.24/acre (Deltapine® DP 2328 B3TXF) to 419.83/acre (Deltapine® DP 2249 NRB3XF).
table image
Figure 3. Value produced in dollars/acre for Deltapine® Brand cotton products at the Bayer Learning Center at Scott, MS (2023).


  • Across the range of this testing several of the products demonstrated excellent yield potential.
  • Bollgard II® with XtendFlex® Technology demonstrated that it still has tremendous value in an insect control system; however, products containing Bollgard® 3 with XtendFlex® Technology and Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology appear to show improved yield potential compared to previous products.
  • Several of the leading products in the trial contained ThryvOn® Technology.
  • It appears from this testing that the Deltapine® brand continues to make breeding progress in developing high yielding, high fiber-quality products which contain the newest biotech traits.
  • Please contact your Deltapine® brand representative for more information.
