Rise Above Rising Corn Pest Pressure
Lead the field with the RNAi Technology of SmartStax® PRO, the all-in corn rootworm fighter, and VT4PRO™, Bayer’s widest spectrum of defense. With Bayer’s latest trait technology, you can keep one step ahead of ever-changing pest pressure and protect your crop throughout the season.
Widest Spectrum of Defense
Leading Channel® brand corn products with VT4PRO™ with RNAi Technology had a 4.8 bu/A advantage* over the competition.
All-In Corn Rootworm Fighter
SmartStax PRO with RNAi Technology provides more than double the root node protection** against competitive products.
Channel SeedPros Know Corn Traits
Learn how your Channel SeedPro can help put the RNAi Technology of SmartStax PRO or VT4PRO to work in your fields.
*Based on Bayer 2023 Market Development data generated in corn growing geographies over 149 locations, 325 comparisons of Channel® brand’s top 6 yielding corn products with VT4PRO™ with RNAi Technology vs national competitors containing similar traits within -3/+1 RM.
**FOOTNOTE FOR ROOT NODE CLAIM: **Based on Bayer 2023 Market Development Field Testing Network data generated in corn growing geographies over 432 locations, 797 comparisons of leading Bayer Crop Science SmartStax PRO with RNAi Technology products to national competitor products containing similar crop protection traits as of 2023.