Two men walking in field for Channel seed showcase
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Dare to Put Channel to the Test With Seed Showcase

Seed Showcase lets you test a Channel® corn product alongside Pioneer in your own fields. Contact your Channel SeedPro to learn more and review the full Seed Showcase Protocol.

Bayer wants farmers to be confident that they are putting the best seed in the ground. Through Seed Showcase, participating farmers may receive a protocol payment if a recommended Channel® corn product yields less than a Pioneer® corn product in a split-plant trial. Bayer is partnering with farmers to help optimize yield and profitability potential and manage product selection risk.

Seed Showcase Protocol

The Seed Showcase provides potential for a performance-based protocol payment on acres planted with Channel products (excluding replanted acres). Farmers will provide information by field on the Pioneer products they plant and then select from a list of recommended Channel products. In the fields where the selected Channel product yields less than the selected Pioneer product, the farmer will earn $6.00 per bushel protocol payment for all planted Channel acres, excluding replants, up to a 10 bushel per acre maximum.


  • Partnering with Bayer
  • Potential for performance-based protocol payment
  • Potential dealer involvement
  • Access to highest performing products
  • FieldView Support


FIELD SIZE: 100 acres = 50 Channel acres + 50 Pioneer acres
REPLANT: 10 Channel acres + 10 Pioneer acres
PERFORMANCE TRIAL AREA: 40 Channel acres (50 first planted - 10 replant acres) v. 40 Pioneer acres (50 first planted - 10 replant acres)
PAYMENT AREA: 40 acres of Channel first planted

EXAMPLE 1 PERFORMANCE RESULTS: Pioneer yields 5 bu/a advantage over Channel
Payment Calclulation: 50 acres x 5 bu/a Pioneer advantage x $6.00 = $1,500

EXAMPLE 2 PERFORMANCE RESULTS: Pioneer yields 15 bu/a advantage over Channel
Payment Calculation: 50 Channel first planted acres x 10 bu/a (cap) Pioneer advantage x $6.00 = $3,000

Eligible Geography

ND, SD, NE, KS, MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, MI, IN, KY, OH, WY, CO and MT

USA map of eligible states for Channel Seed Showcase

USA map of eligible states for Channel Seed Showcase.

Key Steps of Participation

The following steps must be completed:

  1. Sign agreement and link FieldView account
  2. Select fields for participation
  3. Select pioneer and channel products
  4. Complete enrollment
  5. Follow protocol for planting and harvest
  6. Upload planting and harvest data
  7. Reconcile

Key Requirements

  • Channel corn products
  • Sign Bayer New Business Models Master Agreement
  • Link FieldView account — requires one prior year of data*
  • Bayer Technology Stewardship Agreement
  • Minimum field size: 40 acres
  • Minimum # of fields: 1 field
  • Submit 2024 planting and harvest data for reconciliation
  • Other requirements may apply in cotton growing regions

*Requires one prior year of corn or soybean planting in the past 3 years to be uploaded into a linked FieldView account.

For more information, please reach out to your local Bayer Field Sales Representative.

FieldView Customer Support:

NBM Customer Support:

The information in this document is to aid in understanding the Bayer New Business Models Master Agreement and the 2024 Seed Showcase Protocol, which govern all requirements associated with Seed Showcase. This document does not change or modify the Bayer New Business Models Master Agreement or the 2024 Seed Showcase Protocol in any way.

Services and products offered by Climate LLC are subject to the customer agreeing to our Terms of Service. Our services provide estimates or recommendations based on models. These do not guarantee results. Before making financial, risk management and farming decisions, agronomists, commodities brokers and other service professionals should be consulted. More information at FieldView™ is a trademark of Climate LLC. Bayer, Bayer Cross, and Channel® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2023 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.