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TriVolt™ Corn Herbicide

Help your corn reach its full potential by creating the right environment from the start. Get up to 8 weeks of clean fields in a variety of weather conditions with burndown and long-lasting residual control.
Product Details
TriVolt Corn Herbicide It’s not just about killing weeds, it’s about setting the stage for successful growth. TriVolt™ pre-emergent herbicide offers protection against a broad spectrum of key grasses and broadleaf weeds, offering 8-week residual control with built-in resistance management with a proprietary combination of three different sites of action (Groups 2, 15 and 27).
Active IngredientsFlufenacet (2.85 lb. A.I./gal.) Isoxaflutole (0.57 lb. A.I./gal.) Thiencarbazone-methyl (0.23 lb. A.I./gal.) Cyprosulfamide, a safener
Key Grasses & Weeds ControlledBarnyard grass, foxtail, waterhemp, kochia, Palmer amaranth, ragweed, crabgrass, fall panicum, velvetleaf, marestail, pigweed

From the Growers

From the Trials

Two photos comparing untreated crops overgrown with weeds on the left, and a well-maintained field on the right treated with TriVolt® + Atrazine