Close-up image of wheat in a field.
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WestBred® Commercial Wheat Seed Varieties: Unleash the potential.

Commercial Seed Only (CSO) varieties deliver purity and performance potential. This is the wheat seed of a single variety that has passed an official inspection. It contains no other crops, no foreign material, and is absent of certain seed-borne diseases. CSO variety seeds must meet strict quality standards to prove a certain yield potential.

Professionally Produced Wheat Seed

WestBred® Wheat Professionally Produced varieties offer robust benefits over home-grown bin-run seed. For over a decade WestBred® Wheat has used the CSO designation, now known as “Commercial Seed Only”, to provide transparency to our seed partners and grower customers about our single-use license wheat varieties.

Farmer with wheat in a field.

Purity is a plus.

Purchasing and planting WestBred® Wheat CSO varieties means the varietal purity is maintained from one year to the next. Thanks to field inspections and independent seed lab analyses, you can trust the quality of your WestBred commercial seed. It’s professionally conditioned, with minimized levels of weed seeds and seed-borne diseases.

Proven performance.

WestBred® Wheat CSO varieties bring you increased reliability through enhanced agronomic characteristics with improved disease protection and — perhaps best of all — the opportunity to select the newest breakthrough genetics.

What is your time worth?

Think of the time and effort involved in bin-run seed. Now consider the fact that commercial seed offers the potential to generate a greater return. With these two facts in mind, you can see how bin-run seed can actually be more costly. Further still, WestBred® Wheat CSO varieties offer you important operational advantages, too: you’ll spend less time worrying about misapplication of seed treatments or shouldering the expense of moving, storing and cleaning seed. You can keep your storage capacity reserved for storing grain, and you can spend more time focusing on the most profitable part of the business: marketing what you’ve harvested.

CSO varieties can reduce the unknowns in your season – check out our wheat profitability calculator and you’ll see what we mean.

Field of high yielding and performing wheat.

Invest in the future.

Just as important, purchasing CSO wheat seed results in more R&D investment for wheat challenges and new, improved genetics and traits for the future.

Seize the season.

The WestBred® Wheat seed supplier network has an outstanding record of providing high seed quality and varietal purity. We’re here to help you find success — consistently, persistently, reliably.

Talk to your authorized WestBred® Wheat seed supplier about CSO wheat varieties for planting in your region.

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