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WestBred® Integrated Weed Management Systems

No matter your growing region or your weed problems, WestBred® Wheat has two leading weed control systems to help you get the most high-quality yield out of every acre.

Cleaner Fields, Higher Yield Potential and Bigger Profit Margin Potential

WestBred wheat combines elite genetics with cutting-edge herbicide-tolerant traits to help you produce more higher-quality wheat with less dockage and foreign matter.

Clearfield® Plus Wheat Production System

Clearfield® Plus features high-performing WestBred wheat genetics with Beyond® herbicide tolerance to control grass and broadleaf weeds, such as cheatgrass (or downy brome), feral rye, jointed goatgrass, mustards and Palmer amaranth. It even controls volunteer wheat and barley and allows for split applications of Beyond herbicide and performance-enhancing methylated seed oil.

Promo Tools of Clearfield® Plus Wheat Production System

“We’ve been planting pretty much all Clearfield wheat since 2011. In our area, we’re fighting cheatgrass, goatgrass and rye pretty bad. A lot of the herbicides for cheatgrass and goatgrass aren’t as effective as the Beyond, so we have basically shifted our whole operation to Clearfield wheat.”

Kyle Juelfs, Wheat Grower - Great Falls, MT

CoAXium® Wheat Production System

CoAXium combines elite WestBred varieties with the patented AXigen® non-GMO trait, with tolerance to Aggressor® AX brand herbicides. It’s the most comprehensive technology for broad-spectrum control of grassy weeds, including Bromus species, feral rye, jointed goatgrass, foxtail, wild oats and volunteer cereals. And it’s the only system available with limited soil residual, providing growers with greater crop rotation flexibility.

Promo Tools of CoAXium® Wheat Production System

Integrated Weed Management Best Practices

Stewardship is essential for ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of WestBred weed control systems. Always utilize the following agronomic practices for maximum yield potential.

Practice crop rotation.Use the same wheat production system no more than two years in a row in a two-year rotation, with a summer fallow-winter wheat rotation.
Use multiple modes of action.Rotate herbicide modes of action between crop cycles, especially between glyphosate, Group 1 herbicides like Aggressor AX and Group 2 herbicides like Beyond.
Manage weeds in fallow.Keep weeds under control even in the offseason. And manage weed seed at harvest and after harvest to prevent the buildup of weed seed populations.
Control volunteer wheat crops.Pre-plant burndown herbicides control volunteer wheat. Tank-mixing with a pre-plant herbicide with residual activity extends herbicide control into the cropping season.
Use only labeled rates by weed species.Proper rates kill weeds. Reduced rates allow some weeds to survive. Apply herbicide at the right rate for the right weed species and size at the right time.
Scout fields for weeds.Scout before herbicide application to ensure herbicides and rates will be optimum for weed species and growth stage. Scout after application to evaluate weed control performance.

Beyond® herbicide is the only federally and state-approved imazamox-containing herbicide registered for use on Clearfield® and Clearfield® Plus wheat. Applications of any herbicide that is not registered for use on that crop are not permitted under the EPA rules and mandates.

Growers must sign a BASF Clearfield Wheat Stewardship Agreement that specifies the use of registered herbicides on Clearfield and Clearfield Plus wheat, including imazamox-containing herbicides along with purchasing certified Clearfield and Clearfield Plus varieties.

ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Consult your local BASF or retail chemical representative for complete Beyond herbicide label requirements.