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Harness Max Herbicide

Harness Max Herbicide

Harness MAX herbicide is a convenient, easy to use premix that contains acetochlor and mesotrione. This product offers the excellent residual benefits of Harness® herbicide with the added postemergence and residual activity of mesotrione for a broadened range of control against tough-to-control weeds in corn. Harness MAX has a flexible application window including preplant, pre-emergence, and early postemergence in corn up to 11 inches.
Approved In
    FormulaRegistration Number

    Active IngredientFormulation
    Acetochlor39.1 %
    Mesotrione3.7 %

Labels / MSDS

Use and Mixin

Use and Mixing

The instructions for use and mixing described below are from the Environmental Protection Agency approved Federal Label. Always read and follow label instructions. Not all products are registered for use in every state. Please check with Bayer or your local Lead State Agency for product registration status. If you wish to find out if a product is registered in your state or for additional product information, send us an email or call 1-866-99-BAYER.
      Reentry PPE
      PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is: coveralls, shoes plus socks and chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material.
      Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Some of the materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are listed below. Applicators and other handlers must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks and shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). If there are no instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
      Tankmix Compatibility
      8.2 Sprayer Compatibility Always predetermine the compatibility of this product or labeled mixtures of this product with water carrier or sprayable fluid fertilizer carrier by mixing small proportional quantities in advance. See the "STANDARD SPRAYABLE FLUID FERTILIZER COMPATIBILITY TEST" section in this label to determine the compatibility of this product and the labeled tank mixtures specified for use with sprayable fluid fertilizer carrier. For recommended tank mixes, see tank mix sections 11.3 and 12.3 of this label. It is the pesticide user's responsibility to ensure that all products in the listed mixtures are registered for the intended use. Users must follow the most restrictive directions for use and precautionary statements of each product in the tank mixture. Do not tank mix this product with any fungicide, insecticide, adjuvant or fertilizer solution not recommended on this label without first testing compatibility. Use this product only in sprayers that have good agitation and are in good running condition. Make sure the sprayer has been cleaned by following the instructions on the previously used products label before mixing and applying this product. Mix this product or labeled tank mixture of this product with the appropriate carrier as follows: 1. Place a 20- to 35-mesh screen or wetting basket over filling port. 2. Through the screen, fill the sprayer tank one-half full with appropriate carrier. For preemergence applications liquid fertilizer (except suspension fertilizers) may be used as the carrier. For postemergence applications, use clean water only as the carrier. 3. If a compatibility agent is necessary to improve mixing or to prevent the formation of undesirable and unsprayable gels or precipitates, while agitating add it to the carrier already in the tank. For example, AMS should be added at this step and agitate until completely dispersed. Use only compatibility agents cleared by the FDA for this use. Read and follow all directions for use, cautionary statements and all other information appearing on the selected compatibility agent label. Check for adequate agitation. 4. If a wettable powder or dry flowable formulation is used, make a slurry with water, and add it slowly through the screen into the tank. Continue agitation. 5. If a flowable formulation is used, add slowly through screen into the tank. Mixing and compatibility may be improved when the flowable is premixed one part flowable with one part water and added slowly to the tank in diluted form. 6. Add this product slowly through the screen into the tank. Longer agitation may be required for complete dispersion of this product when using cold water sources. Mixing and compatibility may be improved when this product is prediluted with two parts of water and added to the tank in diluted form. 7. Add appropriate adjuvant and UAN if needed and allowed, then complete filling the sprayer tank with carrier. If a labeled tank mixture product is to be used, add the required amount near the end of the filling process. Remove hose from tank immediately after filling to avoid siphoning back into the water source. Maintain good agitation at all times until the contents of the tank are sprayed. NOTE: If spray mixture is allowed to settle at any time, thorough agitation is required to resuspend the mixture before spraying is resumed. Keep bypass line on or near bottom of tank to minimize foaming. Screen size in nozzle or line strainers should be no finer than 50-mesh. Carefully select the proper nozzle to avoid spraying a fine mist. Check for even distribution of spray droplets. For best results with ground application, use flat-fan or whirl chamber nozzle. To reduce loss of chemical due to drift of a fine mist, apply at pressures less than 40 psi. 11.3 Tank Mixtures Harness MAX Herbicide may be tank-mixed with the following products for improved weed control spectrum in burndown or preemergence applications in corn. These tank mixtures may also be used to include a different site of action herbicide to help control or manage the development of resistant weed biotypes. Ensure that the specific product being used in the tank mixture is registered for the specific preplant, at-planting, or preemergence application timing to corn. It is the pesticide user's responsibility to ensure that all products in the listed mixtures are registered for the intended use. Users must follow the most restrictive directions for use and precautionary statements of each product in the tank mixture. Not all tank mixtures with HarnessMAX Herbicide have been tested at all labeled use rates in all environments. It is suggested that the user choose a use rate of the tank mix product in the middle of the rate range to reduce the potential for injury to corn. Use rates for this product can be found in the table in Section 11.1 of this label. When using fluid fertilizer as a carrier, refer to the label of the specific tank mixture product for mixing directions. The most restrictive label directions apply. For mixing instructions, see the "MIXING, SPRAYING AND HANDLING" section of this label. Burndown Tank Mixtures Harness MAX Herbicide may be applied in tank mixture with other registered herbicides for burndown of emerged weeds and residual weed control. Application can be made prior to planting corn or before corn emergence. This product may be tank mixed with Roundup (R) brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicides, Gramoxone (R) brands, dicamba brands and/or 2,4-D. Use the adjuvant system which is recommended for use with the burndown herbicide. It is the pesticide user's responsibility to ensure that all products in the listed mixtures are registered for application [burndown] to corn. Users must follow the most restrictive directions and precautionary language of the products in the mixture (for example, first aid from one product, spray drift management from another). Preemergence Tank Mixtures Harness MAX Herbicide may be applied in tank mixture with other registered herbicides for preemergence residual weed control. It is the pesticide user's responsibility to ensure that all products in the listed mixtures are registered for application [preemergence] to corn. Users must follow the most restrictive directions and precautionary language of the products in the mixture (for example, first aid from one product, spray drift management from another). 2,4-D, acetochlor, atrazine, clopyralid, dicamba, flumetsulam, glyphosate, gramoxone, mesotrione, metribuzin, pendimethalin, simazine Banvel (R), Callisto (R), Clarity (R), Harness (R), Hornet (R), Marksman (R), Princep (R) 4L, Prowl (R), Python (R) WDG, Roundup (R) brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicides, Stinger (R) 12.3 Tank Mixtures This product may be tank-mixed with the following products for postemergence use in corn (after corn has emerged). Ensure that the specific product being used in the tank mixture is registered for application postemergence (in-crop) to corn. It is the pesticide user's responsibility to ensure that all products in the listed mixtures are registered for application [postemergence] to corn. Users must follow the most restrictive directions and precautionary language of the products in the mixture (for example, first aid from one product, spray drift management from another). Not all tank mixtures with HarnessMAX Herbicide have been tested at all labeled use rates in all environments. It is suggested that the user choose a use rate of the tank mix product in the middle of the rate range to reduce the potential for injury to corn. Observe directions for use, precautions and restrictions on the label of the postemergence herbicide. If unsatisfactory weed control occurs (due to excessively dry or excessively wet conditions) following the earlier application, a postemergence application of an appropriate labeled grass and/or broadleaf weed herbicide may be used. If a postemergence treatment includes the herbicide used early preplant, do not exceed the maximum labeled rate for corn on a given soil texture. Use rates for this product can be found in the table in Section 12.1 of this label. Do not apply less than 40 fl oz per acre of this product postemergence or loss of residual control may result. Always add an appropriate adjuvant to the spray tank (see the POSTEMERGENCE SPRAY ADDITIVES section 12.5 of this label). Not all of the tank mix herbicides listed are registered for field corn or yellow popcorn. When tank mixing with this product the minimum use rate of atrazine is 0.5 lbs ai/A and the minimum use rate of dicamba is 0.25 lbs ai/A. Acetochlor, atrazine, clopyralid, dicamba, diflufenzopyr, flumetsulam, glufosinate, glyphosate, mesotrione, nicosulfuron, primisulfuron, prosulfuron, rimsulfuron Accent (R), Accent (R) Q, Banvel (R), Beacon (R), Callisto (R), Clarity (R), Harness (R), Hornet (R) WDG, Liberty (R) 280SL, Marksman (R), Northstar (R), Peak (R), Python (R) WDG, Resolve (R) DF, Resolve (R) Q, Spirit (R), Steadfast (R), Steadfast Q, Stinger (R) 12.3.1 Tank mixing with Roundup (R) brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicides postemergence on corn containing Roundup Ready (R) Corn 2 Technology This product may be tank mixed with Roundup (R) brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicide and applied postemergence to corn containing Roundup Ready (R) 2 Technology including Roundup Ready (R) Corn 2 from seedling emergence until corn is 11 inches in height. Follow the use rates for this product provided in Section 12.1. This tank mix should be applied when weeds are 2 to 4 inches in height and before the weed height and/or density become competitive with the crop. Refer to the Roundup (R) brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicide product label for AMS and other adjuvant recommendations, use rates and specific weeds controlled. Do not add crop oil concentrate (COC), methylated seed oil (MSO) or urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) type adjuvants to this tank mix or crop injury may occur. This product may also be applied preemergence to corn containing Roundup Ready (R) 2 Technology including Roundup Ready (R) Corn 2 at the rates provided in Section 11.1 in a planned, preemergence followed by Roundup (R) brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicide postemergence, sequential program. For difficult to control weeds such as fall panicum, barnyardgrass, crabgrass, shattercane, broadleaf signalgrass and Pennsylvania smartweed use the higher rate of Roundup (R) brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicide. For mixing instructions, see the "MIXING, SPRAYING AND HANDLING" section of this label. In addition to tank mixing with Roundup (R) brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicide, this product may be tank mixed with other labeled products such as atrazine and dicamba. It is the pesticide user's responsibility to ensure that all products in the listed mixtures are registered for application [postemergence] to corn. Users must follow the most restrictive directions and precautionary language of the products in the mixture (for example, first aid from one product, spray drift management from another). AVOID DRIFT. EXTREME CARE MUST BE USED WHEN APPLYING THIS TANK MIX TO PREVENT INJURY TO DESIRABLE PLANTS AND CROPS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN THE ROUNDUP READY GENE. 12.3.2 Tank mixing with Liberty (R) herbicide postemergence on LibertyLink (R) corn This product may be tank mixed with Liberty (R) herbicide and applied postemergence to corn designated as LibertyLink (R) or warranted as being tolerant to glufosinate from seedling emergence until corn is 11 inches in height. Follow the use rates for this product provided in Section 12.1. This tank mix should be applied when weeds are 2 to 4 inches in height and before the weed height and/or density become competitive with the crop. Refer to the Liberty (R) product label for use rates and specific weeds controlled postemergence. Do not add crop oil concentrate (COC), methylated seed oil (MSO) or urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) type adjuvants to this tank mix or crop injury may occur. This product may also be applied preemergence to corn designated as LibertyLink (R) or warranted as being tolerant to glufosinate at the rates provided in Section 11.1 in a planned, preemergence followed by Liberty (R) herbicide postemergence, sequential program. For difficult to control weeds such as fall panicum, barnyardgrass, crabgrass, shattercane, broadleaf signalgrass and Pennsylvania smartweed use the higher rate of Liberty (R) herbicide. For mixing instructions, see the "MIXING, SPRAYING AND HANDLING" section of this label. In addition to tank mixing with Liberty (R), this product may be tank mixed with other labeled products such as atrazine and dicamba. It is the pesticide user's responsibility to ensure that all products in the listed mixtures are registered for application [postemergence] to corn. Users must follow the most restrictive directions and precautionary language of the products in the mixture (for example, first aid from one product, spray drift management from another). AVOID DRIFT. EXTREME CARE MUST BE USED WHEN APPLYING THIS TANK MIX TO PREVENT INJURY TO DESIRABLE PLANTS AND CROPS THAT ARE NOT DESIGNATED AS GLUFOSINATE TOLERANT.

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