Controlling resistant weeds requires a heavy hitting herbicide
August 29, 2017
New herbicide shows excellent control of problem weeds while offering built-in resistance management
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., Aug. 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Growers across the country continued to see challenging resistant weeds this season, especially waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. However, resistant weeds met their match with a new herbicide introduced before the 2017 season.
Recent University of Nebraska-Lincoln trials1. featured an extensive look at broadleaf weed response to corn herbicides. DiFlexx® DUO demonstrated the most complete control against the full spectrum of problem weeds. In fact, DiFlexx DUO controlled up to 95 percent of waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, morning glories, cocklebur and lambsquarters.
Excellent results were also observed in recent Bayer trials in Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. In these trials, DiFlexx DUO controlled up to 97 percent of broadleaf weeds.
"Many growers who used DiFlexx DUO during its first season saw the same results we observed in trials," said Frank Rittemann, selective corn herbicides product manager at Bayer. "It cleaned up weeds that other herbicides left behind. DiFlexx DUO provides powerful control against the particularly tough glyphosate-resistant weeds that many growers struggle with."
DiFlexx DUO provides two highly effective sites of action with built-in resistance management. It also offers excellent crop safety, strong residual control and flexible tankmixing options.
Purdue Extension found that a single Palmer amaranth plant can produce anywhere from 100,000 to half a million seeds, which is why using a herbicide that is tough on problem weeds is so important. By reducing the seed bank as much as possible, it will be easier to control weeds the next year.
"It is important to control weeds before they are three inches tall," says Rittemann "This keeps them from going to seed, which stops escapes and protects yields. By applying multiple sites of action within the same product, growers are also helping prevent future resistance."
For more information about DiFlexx® DUO, visit
1Source: 2017 Guide for Weed, Disease, and Insect Management in Nebraska (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
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