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Silage Seed

Balance fiber digestibility, starch content, yield potential and flexibility to meet the needs of your dairy. Select the traits that can benefit you.
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    Showing 12 of 102 results
    silage185-30STXRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 85Relative maturity
    • Nice forage yield potential makes this product a solid silage option
    • Well adapted west to east in the 85-90 RM zones
    • Flowers appropriate for RM, fast drydown for the maturity and very good staygreen; avoid high Goss's wilt areas
    • Has shown to perform very well in high yielding environments
    silage189-99STXRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 89Relative maturity
    • Nice looking medium statured product
    • Potential for very good agronomics in this product; Has some Greensnap risk
    • Has shown very good drought tolerance
    • Shows best performance in the East and Central areas of the corn belt
    silage190-50STXRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 90Relative maturity
    • Solid yield performance for 90RM
    • Great greensnap tolerance
    • Good disease tolerance for Goss's Wilt, Anthracnose Stalk Rot, and Northern Corn Leaf Blight
    silage190-50VT2PRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 90Relative maturity
    • Has shown excellent yield potential
    • Strong emergence and seedling vigor
    • Below average late season intactness and appearance but with strong stalks
    silage192-10STXRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 92Relative maturity
    • High yield potential and dual-purpose grain/silage potential
    • Adapted west to east in the 90-95 RM zones with good north to south movement
    • Good overall disease tolerance package and late-season intactness
    • Fast drydown allows for early harvest
    silage193-42VT4PRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 93Relative maturity
    • High yield potential VT4Pro™ product with a girthy ear and good flex.
    • Solid stalks and good drydown.
    • Overall good disease package.
    • Plant at medium to medium-low populations to best utilize ear flex characteristics.
    silage193-91STXRIBBRAND BLEND
    Brand logo
    Featured product
    • 93Relative maturity
    • Dual-purpose grain/silage potential
    • Adapted west to east in the 90-95 RM zones
    • Excellent eye appeal with very good agronomic package
    • Good ear flex, does not require high populations
    silage194-49DGVT2PRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 94Relative maturity
    • Well balanced plant with nice stature and dual purpose grain/silage potential
    • Broadly adapted west to east in the 90-100 RM zones
    • Fits most rotations and soil types; corn rootworm management required if following corn; very good drought tolerance
    • Avoid planting at high plant densities and in waterlogged heavy clay soils
    silage194-99STXRIBBRAND BLEND
    Brand logo
    Featured product
    • 94Relative maturity
    • Bulky plant profile provides outstanding silage yield potential
    • Can perform well across various environmental conditions and soil types
    • Excellent choice for early silage option; moves north very well
    silage195-51STXRIBBRAND BLEND
    Brand logo
    Featured product
    • 95Relative maturity
    • Excellent silage potential with very good fiber digestibility and above average tonnage potential
    • Very good emergence and seedling vigor offer flexibility for early planting
    • Agronomically sound product with excellent root strength
    • Strong tolerance to anthracnose stalk rot and northern corn leaf blight; consider a fungicide under heavy gray leaf spot pressure
    silage195-61STXRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 95Relative maturity
    • Attractive, medium statured plant features a consistent ear size and placement.
    • Excellent stalk and root strength.
    • Good emergence and excellent seedling vigor.
    • Good test weight.
    silage195-85DGVT2PRIBBRAND BLEND
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    Featured product
    • 95Relative maturity
    • 95RM product with very good tonnage potential and has shown to excel in low to medium yield environments
    • Broadly adapted west to east in the 90-95 RM zones
    • Very good ear flex, keep populations on the low to medium side of recommendations for the environment
    • Husks tend to be short and shows average intactness