Planning Considerations for Input Selection

October 20, 2022

By: John Christianson, North Central District Sales

young wheat plants

Everyone wants to set their crop up for success. To prepare, you spend time researching, discussing, and planning for the season. With season goals of high yields and disease defense, it’s good to consistently seek out information. Crop consultants, university researchers, industry reps and peers can all be great resources.

In preparation for the upcoming season, below are recommendations to begin and maintain a successful season.

Considerations for

  • Seed Treatments:

    Many seedling diseases appear in cool, wet temperatures around planting time, but it’s not uncommon for some seedling diseases to also appear later in the season. By using a seed treatment, the seed and plant have protection from seedling diseases that can cause early and late season disease problems.

    Using a seed treatment results in a healthier crop capable of producing higher yields. Higher yields can translate into a good return on investment. Raxil® Pro Shield seed treatment provides advanced broad-spectrum disease control and three chemistries to protect against scab, smut, bunt, and other threatening cereal seedling diseases. Gaucho® 600FS seed treatment can be used for added power to protect seedlings against wireworms, aphids, and hessian fly damage.

  • Herbicides:

    Kochia, wild buckwheat, water hemp and foxtail are common weeds in cereals crops. With Group 1 and Group 9 resistance, there is no perfect formula to tackle weeds that will work for all fields. Scouting, spraying, and staying informed are proactive measures you should take to stay ahead of the game.

    An herbicide that provides powerful weed control is Huskie® Complete. It provides all-in-one control, addressing grass and broadleaf weeds — including those resistant to certain chemistries.

    Crop rotation is another practice used for controlling weeds and managing soil health. Sugar beets, lentils and dry beans are common crops to rotate with your cereal crop.

  • Fungicides:

    Diseases come and go each season and can appear in your fields at any time. It is important to use fungicides that can fight off diseases such as tan spot, rust and scab. With its unbeatable spectrum of disease control, combating both leaf and head diseases, Prosaro® PRO fungicide improves grain quality and helps maximize yield, increasing your profit potential.

    To start the season off on the right foot, set your crop up for success with everything it needs from before seedling stage to crop maturity. For more information on input selection and what is best for your fields, talk with your local Bayer representative or click the link to take you back to the Cereal Experts Homepage.

Resources for Input Selection Planning

© 2018 Bayer CropScience LP, 2 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Gaucho, Huskie, Prosaro, Raxil and Varro are registered trademarks of Bayer. Huskie Complete is a Restricted Use Pesticide. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at