Manage Nematodes with Velum® One Nematicide/Fungicide
Why It Pays to Protect Against Nematodes
Nematodes are an invisible threat in the soil that can negatively impact soil health and harm your crops causing up to a 50% loss in annual yield in almonds.¹ Worldwide, nematodes caused $157 billion in yield loss across crops in 2015.² Healthy soil is the foundation for healthy food production. Healthy roots are fundamental for consistent high productivity and can improve yield and quality by 30–50%.Your Solution for Post-planting Nematode Protection
Previously, growers had limited post-planting options to protect their almond trees from nematodes.
For tree nut growers, Bayer offers a solution with Velum® One, a nematicide with fungicidal activity that suppresses nematodes and helps provide higher yields. Velum One is a wide-spectrum nematicide that can be conveniently applied during the season through irrigation systems.
Related article: The importance of protecting your young almond trees from nematode re-infestation.
Velum One Provides Multiple Solutions
- Fast, effective and long-term control of key nematodes in a wide range of crops
- Residual efficacy at unprecedented low application rate via chemigation
- Increased profit potential
How It Pays to Use Velum One
- Can increase yield by 8.3% with an average of $475/bearing acre4
- Effective wide-spectrum nematicidal activity
- Protects roots and helps establish the crop
- Increases crop canopy by an average of 58%5
- Convenient in-season application via chemigation
- Advanced chemistry: no buffer zones needed
Five Symptoms That Show Your Trees Are Suffering from Nematodes
Low tree vigor
Disease transmission
Root damage
345 lbs./A average reduced crop yield³
Reduced water and nutrient uptake
Types of Nematodes
Root-knot nematodescause swelling of the roots.
Lesion nematodesfeed inside the root causing the most damage to nuts.
Ring nematodeslive in the soil and feed on the root tips.