Aeris® seed-applied insecticide/nematicide for cottonseed represents advanced technology tailored for today’s crop production. With Aeris, growers benefit from the broadest seed-applied spectrum of protection against early season insect and nematode pressures, thus establishing healthier, stronger seedlings and root systems.
Allegiance® Seed Treatment Fungicide provides systemic protection for the seed, roots and emerging plants against devastating diseases such as Pythium, systemic downy mildew and Phytophthora. It provides protection for early planted crops and helps produce healthier, more vigorous and uniform stands. Allegiance is applied at very low rates per acre, making it friendly to the grower, seed and environment.
BUTEO STARTBUTEO Start Insecticide
BUTEO™ start offers a layer of powerful protection against early flea beetle pressure. The effective and immediate protection from BUTEO™ start supports outstanding plant resilience in the crucial early stages.
Emesto Silver is an innovative potato seed treatment fungicide that controls seed and soil-borne disease and promotes early crop establishment and plant vigor.
EVERGOL ENERGYEverGol Energy Seed Treatment Fungicide
Excellent long-lasting efficacy against Rhizoctonia and other important diseases working exactly where it is needed.;EverGol Energy also promotes consistent, fast crop establishment.
EVERGOL XTEND CEverGol Xtend C Fungicide Seed Treatment
EverGol Xtend C fungicide relies on new SDHI chemistry to provide excellent protection against Rhizoctonia, which helps improve early season vigor and stand.
Gaucho 600 Flowable provides unmatched protection against the worst insects — acting both on contact to protect the roots and systemically to protect the plant.
PONCHO BETAPoncho Beta Seed Treatment
Poncho® Beta seed treatment provides a convenient way to get excellent early season protection against insect pests to help maximize stand counts, increase recoverable sugar and improve profit per acre. Poncho Beta contains two active ingredients in a formulation to act as a defense against damaging soil and foliar insect pressure. Poncho Beta provides convenient, on-the-seed pest protection from injury caused by leafhoppers, root maggots, flea beetles, wireworms, black cutworms, springtail, black bean aphids and leaf miners.
RAXIL PRO MDRaxil PRO MD Seed Treatment
Give your cereal seed an early-season advantage for stronger stands and higher yield potential. The Raxil® seed treatment family offers a broad spectrum of early-season seed and seedling disease and pest protection for cereals.
RAXIL PRO SHIELDRaxil PRO Shield Seed Treatment
Give your cereal seed an early-season advantage for stronger stands and higher yield potential. The Raxil® seed treatment family offers a broad spectrum of early-season seed and seedling disease and pest protection for cereals.