Deltapine Cotton Offers the Strongest Cotton Yields
Consistent Yield Performance
With a long history of consistent, high-end performance, Deltapine is the number-one planted brand of cotton seed and growers’ best choice for proven genetics and traits.
Deltapine brand cotton varieties are evaluated and proven to perform in the New Product Evaluator (NPE) program before they are put in a Deltapine bag and sold for commercial planting. Since 2009, growers across the Cotton Belt have relied on Deltapine and the NPE growers to deliver new cotton varieties that raise the bar on yield performance potential and offer effective trait solutions to pest management.
Regional university official variety trials (OVT) across three years, totaling hundreds of individual trial results within each region, demonstrate the consistent, industry-leading performance advantage of Deltapine brand varieties over competitor genetics and trait systems.
Across the Southeast, Deltapine® brand cotton offers a broad portfolio outperforming top tested PhytoGen® W3FE varieties by 83 lbs/ac across 1,695 comparisons.*
In the North and South Delta, top performing Deltapine® brand cotton varieties outperformed top tested PhytoGen® W3FE products by 66 lbs/ac across 1,011 comparisons. *
In West Texas, top performing Deltapine® brand cotton products outperformed top tested PhytoGen® W3FE varieties by 42lbs/ac across 39 comparisons.*
“We've been planting Deltapine for years and it has always performed well and have never had any reason to want to go very heavily with any other brand,” said Chase Heard who farms in Baker, Miller and Decatur Counties, Georgia. “We do plant other brands to trial them, but 90% of our acres are planted to Deltpaine because of consistent performance.”
Allen Below of Parma, Missouri, says the two “stars” of his farm have been DP 2127 B3XF and DP 2115 B3XF. “We started growing both of them in 2021, and they have been good for us,” he said.
In the Texas Southern Rolling Plains, Ralph Kellermeier plants Deltapine strong cotton varieties. “We’re looking for consistent performance in tough conditions on many of our fields and the NPE program has helped us find the right varieties for those acres,” he said.
Deltapine has been the leader in the Southeastern regions for decades. “Here, in our area, you just cannot beat Deltapine,” according to Nick Marshall in Baker, Florida.
Alabama grower Nick McMichen echoes that sentiment. “Our farm’s yield potential has increased significantly since 2008, there is no doubt,” said McMichen. “From DP 0912 B2RF to DP 1646 B2XF to DP 2012 B3XF and now DP 2127 B3XF — the varieties released through the NPE program just keep getting better.”
And Keeff Felty, who farms in Altus, Oklahoma, says it best: “Whenever I did not plant Deltapine, I always wish that I had of planted Deltapine.”
For each growing region, there are NPE-proven Deltapine cotton varieties that can help growers make the most of every acre they plant in 2024, including Deltapine® brand Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ cotton with XtendFlex® Technology (B3TXF) varieties providing built-in protection against key plant bugs and thrips species and a dynamic lineup of Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton varieties. Visit to find the right variety for your fields.
No dicamba may be used in-crop with seed with Roundup Ready® Xtend Technology, unless and until approved or specifically permitted, and no dicamba formulations are currently registered for such use in the 2024 season. Please follow
for status updates.
Bayer is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Bayer products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Bayer's Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Commercialized products have been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship.
It is a violation of federal and state law to use any pesticide product other than in accordance with its labeling. NOT ALL formulations of dicamba, glyphosate or glufosinate are approved for in-crop use with products with XtendFlex® Technology. ONLY USE FORMULATIONS THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY LABELED FOR SUCH USES AND APPROVED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicide products for incrop use with products with XtendFlex® Technology.
See the IRM/Grower Guide for additional information. Always read and follow IRM requirements.
B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed brand representative for the registration status in your state.
Performance may vary, from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and environmental conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on their growing environment.
The recommendations in this material are based upon trial observations and feedback received from a limited number of growers and growing environments. These recommendations should be considered as one reference point and should not be substituted for the professional opinion of agronomists, entomologists or other relevant experts evaluating specific conditions.
Products with XtendFlex® Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate and dicamba. Plants that are not tolerant to glyphosate, dicamba, and/or glufosinate may be damaged or killed if exposed to those herbicides. Contact your seed brand dealer or refer to the Bayer Technology Use Guide for recommended weed control programs.
Insect control technology provided by Vip3A is utilized under license from Syngenta Crop Protection AG. Bayer, Bayer Cross, Bollgard®, Deltapine®, Respect the Refuge and Cotton Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®, ThryvOn® and XtendFlex® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2024 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.