As we head into the next growing season, we want to take this opportunity to share some interesting information about America’s bread and butter crop — wheat. Get your fill below of wheat trivia with five fast facts!

1. Wheat is a staple crop and food source for millions of people. It provides about 20% of calories consumed by the human race.

2. Wheat is used for cattle, poultry, and other livestock feed. New uses of wheat encompass plastics manufacturing and aquaculture feed purposes for both fish and shrimp.

3. Wheat is grown on over 540,000,000 acres around the world. That’s enough wheat to fill the state of Texas more than three times!

4. Wheat is grown in all but eight states in the U.S., with Kansas and North Dakota alternating as the leading producer of wheat.

5. More foods are made with wheat than any other cereal grain.

Do you have any favorite wheat facts that you want to share? Which of your favorite foods include wheat as an ingredient? Connect with us on Facebook or Twitter and let us know!
