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Velum Fungicide

Velum Fungicide

Velum® fungicide is designed for early-season application to help provide higher yield through suppression of nematodes and diseases. Velum manages a wide spectrum of yield-robbing nematodes and brings long-lasting suppression.
Approved In
    FormulaRegistration Number

    Active IngredientFormulation
    Fluopyram41.5 %

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Use and Mixin

Use and Mixing

The instructions for use and mixing described below are from the Environmental Protection Agency approved Federal Label. Always read and follow label instructions. Not all products are registered for use in every state. Please check with Bayer or your local Lead State Agency for product registration status. If you wish to find out if a product is registered in your state or for additional product information, send us an email or call 1-866-99-BAYER.
      Reentry PPE
      PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker\r\nProtection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such\r\nas plants, soil, or water is: coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks and\r\nshoes, and chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material such as natural\r\nrubber >= 14 mils.
      Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Applicators and other handlers must wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, shoes plus socks, and chemical-resistant (such as natural rubber) gloves. User Safety Requirements Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions exist for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
      Tankmix Compatibility
      SPRAY MIXING AND COMPATIBILITY Begin with clean spray equipment and add one-half of the required amount of water to the spray or mixing tank and start agitation. Add the required quantity of fungicide and the tank-mix partner if applicable to the water and complete filling with water to the required total volume. Follow the advice of your State Cooperative Extension Service for tank mixing with other products. In general, follow the order beginning first with water conditioners, water soluble packaging (wait for it to completely dissolve), wettable powders and water-dispersible granular products, liquid flowables and suspension concentrates, emulsifiable concentrates, and adjuvants last. Maintain agitation throughout spraying. DO NOT allow spray mixture to remain in the tank overnight, or for long periods during the day without agitation. VELUM is physically compatible with most commonly used fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, and foliar nutrient products. However, the compatibility of VELUM with all potential tank-mix partners has not been fully investigated. If tank mixing with other pesticides is desirable, conduct a jar test with the volumes and rates typically used in agricultural application. Using a small container of water, add the proportionate amounts of the products: wettable powders and water-dispersible granular products first, then liquid flowables, and emulsifiable concentrates last. After thoroughly mixing, let stand for at least 15 minutes. Look for signs of separation, globules, sludge, flakes, or other precipitates. Physical compatibility is indicated if the combination remains mixed or can be remixed readily. The crop safety of all potential tank-mixes with VELUM has not been tested on all crops listed on the label. Before applying any tank-mixture not specified on this label, safety to the target crop must be confirmed on a small portion of the crop listed on the label to be treated to ensure an adverse response will not occur. It is the pesticide user's responsibility to ensure that all products are registered for the intended use. Read and follow the applicable restrictions and limitations and directions for use on all product labels involved in tank mixing. Users must follow the most restrictive directions for use and precautionary statements of each product in the tank mixture.

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