New Fungicide Helps Great Plains Growers Maximize Corn, Wheat Yields
April 11, 2016
Registration of Absolute® Maxx to bolster Bayer fungicide product portfolio
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. (April 12, 2016) – Bayer announces the 2016 approval and registration of Absolute® Maxx fungicide by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The fungicide is currently registered in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado and South Dakota. Absolute Maxx is designed to give growers in the Great Plains a new tool for disease protection to promote all-around plant health and maximize yield potential in corn and winter wheat.
Absolute Maxx contains two chemistries, a powerful triazole and a strobilurin, that enables plants to stay greener longer, resulting in higher yield potential. These chemistries work together to control disease through multiple modes of action, which help reduce the likelihood of the development of disease resistance. The active ingredient in Absolute Maxx also initiates changes in corn and wheat plants to promote increased photosynthetic efficiency during conditions of moisture stress.
Effective applications on corn using Absolute Maxx are recommended at VT/R1 to limit major fungal diseases such as gray leaf spot, southern rust, northern corn leaf blight and anthracnose leaf blight. In wheat, applications should begin with the first signs of disease or when the flag leaf is emerging (T2) to control rust and other leaf diseases. Absolute Maxx brings an added benefit to growers with application flexibility allowing use of chemigation, aerial or ground application.
“The introduction of Absolute Maxx fungicide to corn and wheat growers in the Great Plains states will be instrumental for operations looking to limit yield-reducing diseases,” said Thorsten Schwindt, Fungicides Product Manager for Bayer. “With more active ingredient than most fungicides at the recommended rate, we feel that Absolute Maxx gives growers a great opportunity to ensure their crop protection programs effectively limit disease and maximize yield potential without breaking the bank.
“In field trials on wheat, Absolute Maxx has shown improved stripe rust management, with growers seeing a 3 bu/A average yield lift,” added Schwindt. “Additionally, 2015 trials using Absolute Maxx in corn were equally effective, with yield increases in some instances beyond 20 bu/A.”
With the introduction of Absolute Maxx, Bayer strengthens its commitment to provide proper stewardship in disease management by offering growers effective products that contain multiple modes of action. In doing so, Absolute Maxx will help growers prevent the progression of disease resistance in crops.
Bayer is committed to bringing new technology and solutions for agriculture and non-agricultural uses. For questions concerning the availability and use of products, contact a local Bayer representative, or visit Crop Science, a division of Bayer, online at
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