Deltapine® New Product Evaluator (NPE) Program
About the Program
Since it began in 2008, the Deltapine® NPE Program has become the industry’s premier cotton variety testing and commercialization program, involving growers representing all areas of the Cotton Belt who evaluate pre-commercial variety candidates on large-acre plots under their own management systems and field conditions.
Since then, each new Deltapine class of varieties has raised the bar of what growers expect in yield and fiber quality performance potential. The truest test of a cotton variety is when it is planted in real-farm conditions and managed through harvest by a seasoned grower. This approach is the foundation of the success behind the Deltapine NPE Program.
The Class of 2025
- Early-Mid Relative Maturity
- Early-Mid maturity
- Resistance to reniform nematodes and bacterial blight
- Combines ThryvOn® Technology with Reniform nematode resistance
- Mid Relative Maturity
- Mid maturity
- Excellent Strength of Terminal with an open canopy
- Timely PGR management necessary in high growth environments
- Latest maturity in B3TXF package
- Early-Mid Relative Maturity
- Early-Mid maturity
- Resistance to bacterial blight
- Moderate tolerance to Verticillium wilt
- Comparable to DP 1822 XF and DP 1820 B3XF with improved fiber quality for Early Plains
- Mid-Full Relative Maturity
- Mid-Full maturity
- Resistance to bacterial blight
- Moderate tolerance to Verticillium wilt
- Companion to DP 2335 B3XF to be placed on irrigated acres
The NPE growers have constantly worked to test varieties and ensure Deltapine brand is bringing innovative products to market. Learn more about this year’s class in their own words.
DP 2127 B3XF and DP 2012 B3XF
Nick McMichen | NPE Grower, Alabama"Our farm's yield potential has increased significantly since 2008, there is no doubt. From DP 0912 B2RF to DP 1646 B2XF to DP 2012 B3XF and now DP 2127 B3XF, the varieties released through the NPE Program just keep getting better."
DP 2127 B3XF and DP 2115 B3XF
Allen Below | NPE Grower, Missouri“The NPE Program is the best I have seen as far as evolving cotton varieties since I have been in cotton production. I can see the varieties on my farm, using my practices, in my cover crop and planting the way we plant.”
New Product Evaluator Milestones
For 17 years, the New Product Evaluator Program has played a significant role in the adoption of Innovative varieties with the most advanced pest and enhanced weed management flexibility.
*ThryvOn™ Technology may help reduce insecticide applications for tarnished plant bugs and thrips species (tobacco thrips (Frankliniella fusca); Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis); tarnished plant bug (Lygus lineolaris); and the Western Tarnished Plant bug (Lygus Hesperus)). Scouting is critical to determine which and how many insecticide applications are recommended to avoid economic losses greater than the pest management costs (i.e., when economic thresholds are met).