Seed selection is arguably the most important decision a farmer can make all season. It is important to go into seed selection time armed with solid questions for your seed dealer to get the right information to make the best decisions for your farm.
Here are some tips from the WestBred® sales and agronomic team to help guide you through making this very important decision:
1. What variety has been the most consistent broadly adapted performer?
Knowing the variety’s performance history can help you determine if it can work in your field conditions.
2. What variety has the best balance of positive agronomic attributes?
The seed representative is there to provide you with the most compatible seed. Choose a variety that has the attributes you need, and then balance the best other combined attributes.
3. What are my “watch outs” for this variety?
A product that looks like a sure fit for your farm will still have certain watch outs that need to be known or managed for if the need arises.
4. What are the basic agronomic management practices to consider when I plant this variety?
Fields are unique in every region. From soil pH to the weekly weather, it all plays a role in crop development and reaching full yield potential. Your seed dealer should be able to provide agronomic management tips on varieties they sell.
5. Do you have a drought-type variety and a high-end yield variety?
Varieties differ in their performance with high or low moisture, and high or low productivity soil. Knowing the history of your varied farm fields and growing conditions will help the seed dealer provide the best seed options for you.
6. How will this variety perform compared to varieties I have always grown?
Most seed dealers can provide you with a list of the top-rated varieties for the market region. Their knowledge on competitor brands can also help you make a well-rounded decision.
7. What is the seed count and germination on this variety?
Knowing seed count and germination are important after making variety selections and before planting so that the desired plant population is established with the seed lot and variety you are planting. Knowing your optimal seeding rate also maximizes yield and profit potential. Understand how many seeds to plant per acre and how many seeds are in a pound of the variety purchased which can lower input costs and help increase yield potential.
8. Can I save the seed of this variety?
Farmers can save certified seed varieties, but we hope they won’t because of the benefits of certified seed including being pure seed and allowing you access to new genetics. Certified seed is wheat seed of a single variety that has passed an official inspection. It contains no other crops, no foreign material, and is absent of certain seedborne diseases. Farmers CANNOT save CSO varieties as they are a single use license variety. All farmers need to ensure they do not violate any Plant Variety Protections before they save seed.
9. What would be a good companion variety to my first choice of a variety?
Your seed dealer will have multiple options for you to choose from. It is advisable to plant a main variety and a couple of newer lines on smaller acreage to test new genetics on your farm or minimize potential weaknesses in your primary variety.
10. Is this variety for my best ground, poorest ground, or all my ground?
Seed dealers work on a case-by-case basis. Let them know of any past experiences with varieties, and your growing challenges and conditions across your farm. After their analysis, you may need to plant different varieties for different soil types and productivity index soils.
These ten questions can help guide the conversation with your seed dealer. Most seed dealers are very knowledgeable about the products, so be sure to tap into that expertise when making variety decisions.
Read here for more about saved seed versus Certified Only Seed.