Product Details
- maturity(GDUS TO BLACK LAYER + 2 more)expand_more
2590gdus to black layer
1228gdus to mid-pollination
103relative maturity
- agronomics(DROUGHT TOLERANCE + 7 more)expand_more
- disease(ANTHRACNOSE STALK ROT + 5 more)expand_more
- herbicides(GROWTH REGULATORS SENSITIVITY + 2 more)expand_more
Agrowth regulators sensitivity
Apigment inhibitors sensitivity
Asulfonylureas sensitivity
- other(FUSARIUM EAR ROT + 6 more)expand_more
Averagefusarium ear rot
Averagegibberella ear rot
Averagediplodia ear rot
16-18kernel row
- Product Details Keyexpand_more
Highly Recommended
Recommended with Management
Use with Management
Not Recommended
New Product
For RIB products, all product details listed above are for the major component of the blended product.
Local Rating Scale
National Rating Scale
1 = Excellent, 9 = Poor, NR = Not Recommended, - = data is insufficient at this time.Herbicide Sensitivity
A = Acceptable, C = Caution, W = Warning. Environmental conditions may cause herbicide interactions different than indicated for a particular growing season.Herbicide Tolerance
Ratings are based on observations and research using herbicides at labeled and above labeled rates to simulate extreme environmental conditions, misapplication and adverse soil pH or organic content.GDU (Growing Degree Unit)
Ratings are based on observations and research using herbicides at labeled and above labeled rates to simulate extreme environmental conditions, misapplication and adverse soil pH or organic content.Seed Brands & Traits
Crop Protection
Always read and follow pesticide label directions, insect resistance management requirements (where applicable), and grain marketing and all other stewardship practices.
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